h2. Please Contact Us if you are interested
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h2. {color:#000000}{*}People{*}{color}
{section} {column:width=33%}

h6. Project Coordination

{color:#5b57a6}*[Dr Surajit Nundy|~nundys]*{color} {color:#000000}MD, PhD {color}{color:#000000}\- Project Lead. {color}{color:#000000}"Shuro" is a doctor and IT enthusiast who lived in America for a long time where he was trained in Internal Medicine, Computational Neuroscience research and Public Health before moving back to India.  He has been a fan and supporter of JSS for many years and travels there frequently from his home in Delhi.{color}

{color:#5b57a6}{*}Daniel Pepper{*}{color} \- Project Manager. Daniel studied philosophy at the{color:#000000} University of Chicago and then worked as{color} {color:#000000}a{color} {color:#000000}journalist{color} for eight years covering conflict, humanitarian issues and the environment. Along the way he became hooked on clinical medicine and will be heading to medical school in late 2012. Daniel is based at {color:#000000}[JSS |http://jssbilaspur.org/about/]{color}{color:#000000}in Chhattisgarh.{color} 


h6. Design

{color:#666699}{*}Reza Yazdi{*}{color}{color:#333333}  D{color}{color:#000000}irector of User Interface Design at ICG ({color}{color:#000000}[http://www.icgcreative.com]{color}{color:#000000}), Creative Director - recent projects include Antiterrorism touchscreen software for Titan, MET Classroom Capture for Gates Foundation, and Siemens Soarian Medical Suite.{color}

{color:#666699}{*}Sidharth Saxena{*}{color}  {color:#000000}Silicon Valley based User Experience Designer, currently working for Oracle Corporation. Graduate of IIT Guwahati and Indiana University. Been designing complex enterprise software for more than 6 years, and now want to contribute towards this noble effort in his free time over the weekends. Experienced with UI design for both web and mobile, and both consumer and enterprise domains.{color}

{color:#5b57a6}{*}Eli Papa{*}{color} {color:#5b57a6} {color}{color:#000000}PhD candidate in biomedical engineering (Harvard/MIT) and medical student (Imperial College), with experience in user interface design{color}{color:#000000}, software development and the logistics of health-care delivery in the developing-world.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Michael Martinez  *{color}{color:#000000}Mobile developer & designer based in Arizona. Full-time firefighter/emergency medical tech with a large metro fire department, Michael is no stranger to medical based teamwork.  Big time UI/UX and code nerd with a passion to learn.{color}

h6. AI/Analytics

{color:#333399}{*}Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan{*}{color}  PhD candidate, UT Austin 

h6. *Chief Technologist*

{color:#333399}{*}Saptarshi Purkayastha{*}{color}{color:#333333}  {color}{color:#000000}Research Fellow at NTNU, Norway. Part of OpenMRS's Core Development Team. He has been implementing OpenMRS at private clinics and nursing home since 2008. Formerly, in the role of Director, R&D, was involved as part of HISP India's team of OpenMRS implementation. He researches through design, development and implementation of global health information systems ranging from country-level information system to clinical systems and mobile health systems in India and other African countries.{color}

h6. Implementation

{color:#333399}{*}Sharath Hangal{*}{color}{color:#333333}*  *{color}{color:#000000}Bangalore based volunteer, and Fellow at IIM-Bangalore. As a consultant and has worked in healthcare with experience in implementation of Clinical, Non Clinical and PACS systems for a Cancer Hospital.{color} {color:#000000}C{color}{color:#000000}ontributes in the areas of Change Management, Project Management, Business Process Re-engineering and Application Architecture.{color}

{color:#5b57a6}{*}Dr Judy Wawira{*}{color} {color:#5b57a6} {color}{color:#000000}Medical doctor and graduate student in health Informatics at IUPUI, Indianapolis. Worked with medical records mainly on OpenMRS, with implementations in Kibera (Nairobi) for primary health care. Now a part of a joint medical records initiative called Kibera Medical Records Initiative to promote Health Information exchange in the slum region.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Dr Richard Gavin K Rumnong{*}{color}{color:#333399}  {color}{color:#000000}Gavin is an Indian doctor and is now working in the feild Medical and health informatics.{color} {color:#000000}He has experience with developemennt and implementation of Hospital  Information System, based on OpenMRS, for Indian health care settings.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Roger Friedman{*}{color}  Center for Disease Control, Atlanta & OpenMRS contributor.{column}

h6. Development

{color:#333399}{*}Manor Lev-Tov{*}{color}{color:#333399} {color} {color:#000000}A New York-based programmer, with a strong background in database  architecture and development.  Along with databases, Manor is experienced in designing highly scalable machine learning algorithms, with particular experience developing a large scale text analysis platform currently in use in the legal industry, and data analytics. Starting in late October to work full time.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Amarjeet Singh{*}{color}{color:#333333}  PhD. {color}{color:#000000}IIT, Delhi. Experience with SANA mobile (MIT) & OpenMRS{color}

{color:#5b57a6}{*}Vinay Venu{*}{color}  {color:#000000}Bangalore-based programmer. Familiar with OpenMRS. Has implemented a thin web based workflow for a mobile clinic using OpenMRS services as back-end. Currently working full time as a consultant with ThoughtWorks, a custom software vendor.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Dr. Rajnish Juneja{*}{color}  JSS Liaison. Dr R Juneja, trained in Cardiology at AIIMS has been working as a faculty at AIIMS since 1995. With links to JSS since its very beginning and a part of its general body, Dr. Juneja is among one of the people deeply involved in clinical work at Ganiyari but not residing in Bilaspur, as yet (hoping to join full time by 2015). Has been a very active member of the committee  entrusted to implement EMR at AIIMS (unfortunately limited success till now) and is well verse with most of the lingo associated with it. Knows in details about the exact JSS clinical working and therefore provides the interface between clinical work and EMR at JSS.  

{color:#333399}{*}Kevin Connor{*}{color}{color:#333399} {color} {color:#000000}Experienced Seattle-based volunteer working with ESPN, to begin starting mid-October.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Eduardo Kezierski{*}{color}{color:#333333}  Director of Engineering, InSTEDD.org{color}

{color:#5b57a6}{*}Gaurav Paliwal{*}{color}{color:#5b57a6}  {color}{color:#000000}Delhi-based OpenMRS contributor. Graduate IPU Delhi. More info can be seen here :{color} {color:#000000}[http://gauravpaliwal.com/]{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Nathan Leiby *{color} Seattle-based {color:#000000}Harvard computer science graduate. Interested in mobile development. Currently working at Microsoft on Windows Phone. Also working on developing infant-HIV medical records database in a side project. Wanted to get involved with this significantly larger scale, more ambitious (and organized) effort\!{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Sahil Kapoor{*}{color}{color:#333399} {color} {color:#000000}CEO, Director of Novo Informatics Pvt. Ltd; spin-off company from IIT Delhi. Responsible for advancing portfolio on Target Discovery & Developing Lead drugs against widespread diseases. {color}{color:#000000}Computational programmer by training with previous experience in detecting mutations in diseases like Diabetes, Obesity{color}{color:#000000}.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Bhushan Mohan *{color} {color:#000000}Doctoral candidate in the Department of Computer Science in University of Virginia, Charlottesville.  Experience in building native and browser based applications for Windows mobile phone. Interested in building software that can directly help the under-privileged sections of our society. Able to work within a team and to think through complex problems.{color}

{color:#5b57a6}{*}Adarsh Solanki *{color}{color:#5b57a6} {color}{color:#000000}UVa 2013 Computer Science.  {color}

{color:#333399}{*}Manav Goel *{color} {color:#000000}4th year undergraduate student at IIT Delhi.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Bisakha Ray{*}{color} {color:#000000}Los Angeles-based software engineer. Graduate from Johns Hopkins University. Has experience as a developer in medical informatics and PACS based systems.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Suhas Deshpande{*}{color} \* *Currently pursing Masters degree in Computer Science at The George Washington University, 15 months of Lab experience in C, C++, Java SE, Unix Administration and teaching experience in Algorithms, Operating Systems, Advanced Microprocessors at Pillai's Institute of Information Technology, New Panvel, Maharashtra, India. Holds BE in Computer Engineering from Pune University. Programming Expertise: - C, C++, Python, Java SE/ EE. Implemented an inventory management as a final year undergrad project sponsored by Treasury Department (India), which comes under the Gov. Maharashtra, technologies used:\-  Java EE, JMS, JPA.

{color:#333399}{*}Kevin Xu *{color}{color:#000000}Currently pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science at the University of Oregon. Graduated with Diploma in Information Technology from Singapore Polytechnic, led team to develop a touch-and-stylus based system for physiotherapists in the National University Hospital of Singapore known as {color}{color:#000000}[PEN21|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGLB7cBi3UE]{color}{color:#000000}.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Naval Saini *{color}{color:#333399}* *{color}{color:#000000}Currently a freelancer (mobile application, embedded software, etc). Previously, was founder of a startup EDEDAA (arts industry), which ran for an year. Also, has worked in embedded software firms on Linux kernel, Android (multimedia audio pipeline) and range of open-source tools. Other interests are writing and working on ICT and rural development related projects.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Wei Zou  *{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Roger Chen{*}{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Cam Cook{*}{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Prem Gopalan{*}{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Jason Ya{*}{color}{color:#333333} {color}

{color:#333399}{*}Robert Nguyen{*}{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Suraj Raju{*}{color}
{color:#333399}{*}Ed Lavieri  *{color}{color:#333333} {color}{color:#000000}Serving as the President & CEO of three19, a Florida-based software development firm. He has an MS in Management Information Systems and is a Doctoral Candiate in Colorado Technical University's Doctor of Computer Science.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Raj Zachariah *{color}{color:#000000}Graduate Student in Human Computer Interaction at University of Maryland - College Park. He is a Computer Science major and has an MS in Information Management. He worked in India with Wipro Technologies as a C# developer and later with an e-prescribing company called DrFirst, Inc. in Maryland.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Niranjan Ravichandran  *{color}{color:#000000}UCLA Graduate Student(MS) in Computer Science with an interest in Wireless and Mobile Health. Has spent time developing smart-phone applications focusing on prevention.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Evan Donahue{*}{color} {color:#000000}Graduated from Brown University with degrees in Computer Science/Mathematics and Modern Culture & Media. Computer science interests include natural language, machine learning, and web development. Got involved with JSS because it seemed more useful than engineering new Facebook widgets.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Wenxian Yang  *{color}{color:#000000}Arizona State University Computer, with a{color} {color:#000000}Diploma in {color}{color:#000000}French and Software Engineering from the {color}{color:#000000}University Technology Belfort Monbeliard.{color} {color:#000000}Experience in Web Application Development based on language Java and Python.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Abhinav Ghai *{color} {color:#000000}Laboratory -{color} {color:#000000}Module co-ordinator. Pursuing Masters in Computer Science at Purdue University. (Alumni - BITS,Pilani){color}

{color:#333399}{*}Kaiwen Xu  *{color}{color:#000000}Purdue University Computer Science 2015{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Gaurav Chugh{*}{color}  {color:#000000}Delhi based Graduate Student(B.Tech) and contributor at OpenMRS.Interested in web application development. {color}

{color:#333399}{*}Shavonne Beachum *{color}{color:#000000}Current graduate student at Geor{color}{color:#000000}ge Washington University DC main campus in the (SEAS) program "School of Engineering and Applied Science". Pursuing a Masters Degree in Computer Science with an emphasis on Software Engineering. Familiar/basic knowledge with Database Management, SQL, PL/SQL, & Oracle 10g. B.S. in Informations Systems with emphasis in Oracle Database Development. This is my first project I have ever worked on before, so I am very pleased to work on this project to enhance and learn new skills, that will promote me the success in my future career. I hope to meet many lifelong friends here. Good Luck and much success to everyone\!\!{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Khanh Nguyen{*}{color} {color:#000000}PhD student at George Washington University in CS. Enthusiastic in contributing for open source community. Has experience in web and iOS app development. {color}

{color:#333399}{*}Elena Petrashen *{color}{color:#000000}NYU MS in Information Systems student. Experience in managing projects in IT for P&G, data mining & analytics, Java/.NET/SQL in academic projects. We're currently trying to define & align NYU team responsibilities in the project.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Han Tian{*}{color} {color:#000000}MS student at NYU in Computer Science{color}{color:#000000}. Experience in graphic software development with C#, familiar with Java, and MySQL.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Jianhua Wang{*}{color} {color:#000000}George Washington University student, M.S. in Computer Science. Familiar to Java EE ,Topic Crawler and interesting in Computer Graphic and Algorithm.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Zhong Xie{*}{color}{color:#333399}   {color}{color:#000000}A Washington D.C.-based programer. An active mobile developer and designer. A fan of Linux and open source. Hold a B.E. in medical informatics (Biomedical engineering). And have work experience in hospital with HIS and PACS. {color}

{color:#333399}{*}K V{*}{color}{color:#333333} {color}{color:#333399}{*}Bapa Rao{*}{color} {color:#000000}Los Angeles-based computer professional who has done research, development, and teaching over a long career.  Currently employed full-time as Senior Software Engineer. Relevant technical experience in  includes Java-based software development, database systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, search, analytics, and project management support. I hope to start with a few hours per week working on this exciting and worthwhile project. {color}

{color:#333399}{*}Ashish Kumar{*}{color} {color:#000000}graduated from IITD. I am working in software industry for more than 10 years. I have technical experience to design and develope a web application (JBoss application server or Tomcat Web Server) or standalone application involving various databases (mysql,oracle ).On the integration side I have used web services and SSL to communicate between the system.{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Bhaskar Sharma{*}{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Varun Sharma{*}{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Lindsay Ladd{*}{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Will Mechlenburg{*}{color}

{color:#333399}{*}Diptanu Das{*}{color}
{column}{color:#333333} {color}{section}