Project Description

Doctor’s medical prescriptions are difficult to understand for not only semi literate people but also learned ones. This is mainly due to cryptic medical abbreviations used by the medical people and also because of the complex vocabulary. So a system which can help the people understand the drug prescription prescribed to them and know more about the other parameters of the drug such as side-effects, usage etc will be quite useful.

Thereby the proposed system would automatically convert the complex cryptic doctor's prescription to layman text for quick and better understanding with added functionalities of preferred language and more information about the drug and the diagnosis.

 Project Architecture

 The architecture of the project is as follows 

Implementation Details

Projects Plan and Time-line with Milestones

May, 19 - May, 31 :

Goal : Complete the Front and back end for doctor module.

 June, 1 - June, 15 :

Goal : Complete the cTakes Backend and start with Patient module front end.

June, 16 - June, 20 :

Goal : Complete the Language conversion task and test the whole module.

June, 21 - June 25 :

Goal : Midterm Evaluations

June, 26 -  July, 05:

Goal : Complete the Information Retrieval (Drug/Diagnosis) service.

July, 06 - July, 20 :

Goal : Complete the front end and Test for production

July, 21 - August, 15 :

Goal : Refractor, Clean and Document the code

August, 16 - August, 21 :

Goal : Demonstration and Documentation

 August, 21 - August, 25

Goal : Final Evaluations

Detailed Description:

Patient Module

The project is a Maven project so the pom.xml files denotes all the libraries required by the project as dependencies. Other cTAKES resources required by the different annotators models are required to be downloaded manually though. We provide those with our project since we require only a subset of the resources.

  1. pom.xml
    1. ctakes-drug-ner : For the ctakes library (only the drug extraction pipeline)
    2. jersey-core, jersey - server : For providing REST API to our ctakes - java based backend
    3. jersey - servlet : For holding the servlets on the server.
    4. jersey - json : To handle the JSON format required to format the output.
    5. gson: For conversion to JSON format
    6. mysql-connector-java: Driver to connect to MySQL database.

  2. External Resources
    The folder SentenceDetection, Chunker, POSTagger and DictionaryLookup contains the external resources required by the ctakes server. The file LookupDesc_DrugNER.xml contains important configuration required to be filled before running the NER pipeline.
    Gtanslate API (for language conversion)

  3. Java Sources
    Package org.raxa contains the main project Java file while contains the sources related to providing the api.

      Is the main class which perform the core of the functions. It performs three main functions of a. Initializing the ctakes Analysis Engine and abbnList, b. Normalizing the input received c. Extracting the drug parameters using the initialised analysis engine and creating the Drug object.
      This class provides the method to convert to drug extracted in form of parameters mentioned above to free form natural text. As of now contains only one method getNaturalText() which takes Drug object as input and converts and gives the layman natural text as output.
      Helper class which provides abbreviation object to normalize the input text. It contains three parameters acronym, acronym-text, and acronym-type. Acronym is the short form (for eg TDS), acronymText is the full form (eg Three times a day) while acronymType is the category of acronym (drug-form, drug-frequency, drug-route) in our example drug-frequency. As of now these are three categories we divide the most frequently used acronyms into. These acronyms are read/inflated from the files separately provided in the Abbreviations folder.
      Helper class which creates the Drug object for the drug extracted from the input. It contains the parametes drugName, drugFrequency, drugFrequencyUnit, drugStrength, drugStrengthUnit, drugRoute, drugForm, drugDuration and drugDosage.
      This class provides the method to search for more information about the drug using Generic drug name. The information obtained are Indications, Contraindications, Precautions and Side effects.

  4. How to run?
    Note : Will require Internet Connection to install as well as run the server
    1. Plugins/Softwares Required
      1. Apache Maven 
      2. Apache Tomcat Server
    2. Method 1.
      1. Download the Project and change working directory to the Patient folder.
      2. run mvn clean install
      3. This will generate a war file inside target directory.
      4. Place the war directory under the webapps folder of your tomcat installation.(/var/libs/tomcat7/webapps/)
      5. Use POSTMAN (Google Chrome app) to test working. The url is http://localhost:8080/ctakes/rest/ctakes/hello?text=Prescription&language=language
    3. Method 2. To run with eclipse
      1. Import the project.
      2. Make sure you have maven eclipse plugin and web development environment installed on your eclipse installation.
      3. Next First Right click on the project and run as maven install. This will download all the libraries required to run the project. This operation may take some time depending upon internet connection.
      4. Second Right click on the project and select run on server. This will prompt you to select which server you wish to run the project on. Please select Apache Tomcat. This will start the project on the server.
      5. Use POSTMAN (Google Chrome app) to test working. The url is http://localhost:8080/ctakes/rest/ctakes/hello?text=FirstPrescription&language=language


Doctor module backend


doctorModule.sql: Contains the SQL dump of the data required for the Doctor module. The database has three columns Id, Text and Type. Id is the sequential id, Text is the name of the drug/diagnosis etc while Type indicates whether it is a drug or diagnosis or any other medical term.

2.Java Sources

Main class which connects to the backend server to get suggestions based on the input.
Servlet class

3.How to run is same as Patient Backend

jersey-core, jersey - server : For providing REST API to our ctakes - java based backend
jersey - servlet : For holding the servlets on the server.
jersey - json : To handle the JSON format required to format the output.
gson: For conversion to JSON format
mysql-connector-java: Driver to connect to MySQL database.

Servers hosted on Amazon web service
a. Patient: BID AC 10d PO, aspirin BD&language=english (example query)
b. Doctor: (example query)

Link to Code
